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Telehealth is making healthcare easier and more convenient for thousands of Australians - New South Wales is no exception.

Find out how to connect with an online doctor in NSW and book an appointment to suit your needs. Includes after hours doctor appointments too.

A Snapshot of Healthcare Services in New South Wales

New South Wales has eight local health districts covering the greater Sydney metropolitan region and seven rural and regional areas.

Approximately one in four NSW residents live outside a major city, where medical services are limited and harder to access - particularly in remote areas.

This disparity in healthcare resources can result in residents facing longer travel distances and wait times to receive necessary medical treatment.

However, advancements in technology, such as GP telehealth, have the potential to bridge this gap and improve access to healthcare services.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth uses online technology to connect patients with online GPs from the comfort of their homes or any Australia-wide location. We offer telehealth appointments in NSW and other states too. It is perfect for those seeking an after hours doctor or when you prefer a telehealth doctor in New South Wales.

Patients can interact with online doctors through video and audio technology using their laptops, tablets or smartphones.

Note that devices must have the following features to ensure a successful video call:

  • internet connection
  • A camera such as on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with a webcam
  • Headphones or speakers
  • A microphone

Online Doctor Services In NSW - Available Through Private Medical Telehealth

By meeting with an online doctor, you can obtain medical services such as:

  • Diagnosis and management of symptoms - available for individuals of all ages.
  • Online prescriptions
  • Online medical certificates
  • Online family GP services
  • Referrals to other practitioners or specialists

Benefits of Telehealth for NSW Residents

New South Wales is a diverse region of Australia, contending with different lifestyles and differing access to amenities.

Telehealth can help to level the playing field and ensure everyone can access quality healthcare. For those who want after hours doctor appointments in NSW, it also makes it possible to schedule online.

Medical Care Becomes More Accessible:

Direct access to medical professionals benefits various individuals, particularly those with physical restrictions like the elderly, disabled individuals, and residents of rural areas.

In NSW, there is a significant rural population. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) states there are 3.1 million people residing in Regional NSW, accounting for 38.3% of the area’s total population.

Geographically remote Australians, particularly those engaged in farming and mining industries, face distinct challenges, and have limited healthcare opportunities compared to their urban counterparts.

By embracing online doctor appointments, geographic barriers are eliminated, and NSW patients can efficiently consult with online doctors /online GPs, reducing travel, costs, and waiting times.

Flexible Appointment Hours:

At Private Medical, we offer flexible and after hours doctor access to healthcare services in NEw South Wales.

You can access our website 24/7 and book a doctor appointment online or call our dedicated reception staff on 135 001.

Our online doctors have appointments available during the day and after hours available 12 hours a day, seven days a week between 8 am and 8 pm. You can select an appointment time that is convenient for you.

There are no long waiting times or inconvenient appointment times  so you can schedule a telehealth appointment to suit your needs.


Private and Confidential Healthcare Alternative:

NSW Health is a government agency that has welcomed telehealth with open arms, showing the efficiency and efficacy of telehealth.

However, if you prefer to access private healthcare separated from government ties, choose Private Medical, where confidentiality is paramount.

Our online doctor's appointments can be kept entirely separate from government, insurance, and other health providers to ensure complete privacy.


Reduce Stress on Face-to-Face Appointments:

Australia is grappling with a nationwide shortage of nurses and doctors. This is particularly impacting rural and remote communities in New South Wales.

While telehealth may not be suitable for all health conditions, it can help alleviate the burden on local doctors’ clinics, hospitals, and emergency rooms.

Private Medical Telehealth Appointments New South Wales

All you need to access a telehealth appointment is a reliable internet connection, a suitable device and a private area where you feel comfortable taking your call.

To schedule a consultation,  book a doctor appointment  or call us on 135001 to book an appointment over the phone.

For any further information or enquiries, please contact us. The Medical Services Administration team are always happy to assist with any questions about telehealth appointments NSW patients may have.