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Telehealth has emerged as a ground breaking solution that is reshaping the landscape of healthcare across Australia.

Simply book an online doctor appointment and see how easy it is to interact with Australian-registered online doctors at your convenience.

A Snapshot of Healthcare Services in ACT

Nestled within the heart of Australia, the Australian Capital Territory is home to the bustling city of Canberra and its surrounding regions. As the administrative centre of the nation, this region accommodates a diverse population with varying healthcare needs.

The 2021 census data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlights that the ACT population exhibits a range of health concerns and an aging demographic, placing additional demands on essential healthcare services. Telehealth emerges as a promising solution, enhancing accessibility and ease for residents.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is at the forefront of modern healthcare, utilising technology to deliver online doctor services, supplementing or eliminating the need for in-person medical consultations. Secure an appointment with an Australian- registered online doctor through an easy video telehealth appointment, all from the comfort of your home or any location across Australia.

Please note that your device must have the following features:

  • Internet connection
  • A camera such as on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with webcam
  • Headphones or speakers
  • Microphone

These features will enable you to communicate clearly and confidently with your doctor, allowing you to get the most out of your telehealth consultation.

Online Doctor ACT Services Available Through Private Medical Telehealth

Telehealth, while not suitable for all scenarios, offers an array of healthcare services, particularly for non-emergency situations that do not necessitate physical examination.

These services include the following:

  • Diagnosis and symptom management for individuals of all ages
  • Online prescriptions
  • Online medical certificates
  • Serving as your online family GP
  • Facilitating referrals to other     practitioners or medical specialists

Benefits of Telehealth for ACT Residents

Learn how Australian Capital Territory healthcare can be managed effectively using telehealth.

Enhanced Accessibility:

The ACT has a well-established healthcare system that includes a network of medical clinics, general practitioners (GPs),specialists, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. However, it can sometimes be challenging to secure in person GP appointments on a day and time that suits you including afterhours GP appointments.

Whether you have family commitments, a busy schedule, you are elderly or have limited mobility, scheduling an online doctor appointment in ACT is fast and easy.

Patients can attend their online doctor appointment from the comfort of their own homes, work location or any ACT location.

Australian-registered Private Medical online doctors can assist individuals and families with family medicine, chronic illness management and general health and wellness routine checks - all you need to do is book an appointment to get started.

Improve Specific Healthcare Challenges in Australian Capital Territory:

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) confronts a significant healthcare challenge in the form of chronic illnesses such as, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory conditions. The ABS 2021 census data reveals that the ACT exhibits a higher prevalence of long-term medical conditions (42.1%) as compared to the national average.

The aging demographic in the ACT also presents challenges related to providing quality healthcare for seniors, including geriatric care and age-related illnesses. Telehealth offers a convenient and versatile aged care online doctor solution for this demographic.

Telehealth offers a pathway for individuals and families to schedule online GP telehealth appointments to assist with their general health and wellness and chronic care medical needs. Private Medical also offers asap care for urgent (non-emergency) medical care.

Private and Discreet Healthcare Alternative:

Private Medical presents an alternative for individuals and families seeking private and confidential healthcare. To ensure your absolute privacy, Private Medical online doctor services can be kept completely separate from government, insurance and other health providers.

Reduce the Pressure on Face-to-face Appointments and Hospital Emergency Rooms:

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) faces a dual challenge when it comes to healthcare access: the pressure on face-to-face appointments and the strain on hospital emergency rooms. As the population continues to grow and healthcare needs become more complex, managing these pressures has become a significant priority.

A Canberra Health Services 2021-2022 Exceptional Health Care report revealed that there are 30, 500 weekly non-admitted outpatients, community and Covid-19testing occasions of service.

By implementing thorough monitoring, conducting treatment assessments, and conducting frequent check-ins, virtual appointments can help ease the burden on in-person appointments and hospital emergency department visits.

Schedule a Private Medical Telehealth Appointment in the ACT

Schedule a telehealth consultation by booking an online appointment or calling Private Medical on 135 001.

For any questions, please do not  hesitate to contact us; our administration team are always happy to assist you.